CuTi | Takashi Kashiwabara | | Kassy | 柏原崇

Sunday, January 13, 2008

TV Drama - Honey and Clover

Honey and Clover or Hachimitsu to Clover with Takashi Kashiwabara aka Kassy.In the first ep kassy appears for about a minute. Enjoy the scenes with Kassy!

The first ep

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Behind The Scenes - Byakuyakou

This is a part of behind the scenes which kassy is being interviewed.

Interview in China

This is an interview in China or Hong Kong.

TV Drama - Renai Kekkon no Rule

TV Drama - Renai Kekkon no Rule

Title: Renai Kekkon no Rule
Also known as: The Rules of Marrying for Love / Law of Marriage for Love

Takashi Kashiwabara (柏原崇) aka Kassy

PART 1/7

PART 2/7

PART 3/7

PART 4/7

PART 5/7

PART 6/7

PART 7/7


TV Serie - Platonic Sex

Interview - Mov Koi no Kamisama

Koi no Kamisama

TV Serie - Eve

For the TV serie "Eve" with Takashi Kashiwabara go to this playlist and watch all the vids that are available for this serie. I've enjoyed it very much! Hope you guys 2!

Thx 2 cindy queen for all the vids :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Short Interview (old)

It's an old and short "interview". Don't really know if I can call this an interview... :P ENJOY!